
Friday, 24 January 2025





 I remember seeing (and taping) this movie off of Superchannel one night. It was part of a "Natalie Wood Double Feature", and it was followed by "Love With The Proper Stranger", and, being a die-hard fan of her, I wasn't about to pass this one up.

This film seems, initially, as a soapy, over-the-top, melodramatic feature like many movies of the time. However, if you can overlook the flaws, you will find it very interesting and rewarding. The original attraction of this movie was, for me, the early on-screen teaming of real-life couple Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner. Wood was apparently worried as to whether Wagner could handle a dramatic role, and in retrospect she was justified in that concern. Wagner is more of a personality than an actor, and his performance as the sullen musician comes across as stiff. And Wood's southern accent can be distracting at times - her pronunciation of her lover's name, "Chaad" can get a bit grating! That aside, the most interesting aspects of the story happen later, after Sarah/Salome becomes pregnant by Chad, leaves her overbearing, zealous-nut father and her stifling, confining home life and meets up with Tony McDowall.

Her vulnerability and his love for her helped sustain my interest, as did the character of Catherine, Tony's spoiled, bored and man-hungry sister. Pearl Bailey also scores points for her portrayal of the down-on-her-luck, boozing blues singer Ruby Jones. In fact, Wagner's Chad has the best relationship and chemistry with her. When Chad reappears in Salome's life, of course that adds to the tension within the plot. After a while, though, I couldn't understand how Salome could still tolerate him (especially when he marries Catherine out of spite), and I don't get why Tony didn't suspect that the baby was not his (ever think of doing the math, Tone?) The character of Tony, for me, is one of the most sympathetic. His love and concern for Salome, his devotion to Catherine and to little Peter, makes him much more emotionally reachable.(Why didn't Salome realize that she loved him earlier?). Chad only speaks of Peter as if the boy is his property, and doesn't seem to care about his welfare, only revenge on Salome. Granted, she should have told him that she married someone else and that she was passing off the child as her husband's. You can almost feel Salome's longing for Chad, but I don't know how she could pine for him with Tony lying right next to her! When it comes right down to it, I couldn't tear myself away, even now, a few years later after I first saw it, it has some sentimental value. I was already a fan of Natalie, but I barely knew George Hamilton existed before - although was interested after! - and I developed a great respect not only for Wood but also Susan Kohner, who deserved a longer career. Fun little bit of trivia : Did you know that Susan and George had made a film together before this and that at one point, they were engaged? The music makes the moody, longing tone of the film - in fact, it's one of the highlights. And if you enjoyed it, see the 1959 version of "Imitation Of Life" starring Lana Turner, Sandra Dee, John Gavin and Susan Kohner. I recommend "All The Fine Young Cannibals" to adventurous viewers who are willing to take the risk. See if you can tear your eyes away!


Esta producción norteamericana, contiene positivos factores para que obtenga un buen éxito comercial. Su realización técnica es estimable, la interpretación ha sido encomendada a un elenco artístico de reconocida valía y su presentación en pantalla grande y con un color de sugestivas tonalidades, redondea sus alicientes de cara al gran publico. Pero el guión constituye un factor adverso en la estimación del film: Refiere a una historia que es un puro melodrama. Los personajes y sus reacciones quedan harto imprecisos para que sus problemas logren impresionar. A este respecto cabe mencionar también que el titulo dado a la cinta, no refleja la realidad de lo que sucede en la misma, a no ser que busquemos su origen en las egoístas y desmesuradas reacciones de unos personajes de psicología excepcionalmente complicada. Michael Anderson ha aportado al film su maestría y su fino sentido estético. La planificación es ágil y el ritmo narrativo es siempre conducido con la justa fluidez. La parte musical de la cinta añade a este un nuevo atractivo. La cantante de color Pearl Bailey interpreta con sensibilidad varias canciones de positivo encanto. Natalie Wood, bella y sugestiva, interpreta el papel principal luchando casi siempre afortunadamente, con las contradicciones que encierra el personaje. La secundan correctamente Robert Wagner, George Hamilton, Susan Kohner y Pearl Bailey. J.P.M.
My favourite introduction to the blues 
I happened to see this film years ago in a sleepless night, zapping through some of the less commercial public canals we still had at the time in Europe. It really opened my soul because of the music included. I will not comment on the quality of the script or the acting of the young couple Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner; others can do better than I. But I like the slow pace, the melodramatic story, the dialogue lines that stay in your head, and - above all - I was thrilled by the singing and acting of Pearl Bailey as Ruby Jones. If ever you have to explain the feelings that gave rise to the blues, ahead of the ubiquitous slavery hardships and working in the cotton fields, then this movie is a 'must-see'. When Chad is in the lowest of spirits and ends up in a morning-after hang-out, he runs into this Ruby Jones, an alcoholic, but warm-hearted black singer. And she treats him with a song, unaccompanied, raw voice, that expresses his feelings so well, and gives him the idea he is not the only unhappy, lost man on this globe. I don't know if Mrs Bailey sung the track herself or was dubbed, but she succeeds in getting the blues feeling across as I've never heard thereafter. Same when later on in the movie she sings to Chad, playing the trumpet: "What am I heading for? Blues is knocking at my door". Alas! this song is spoiled by a dubbed in band and even background vocals if I remember well - anyhow, it takes away from the simplicity of just a singer and a "horn player" (as she puts it throughout the picture). The sad story of the twists and impossibilities of human relationships is to me more real-life than most of the soapy Hollywood plots that come to us by shiploads these days. Endearing, that's probably the word that says it all.
Ahead of its time

What I love about this film, is the fact that it includes a respectful and loving relationship between a black woman and a white man during the apartheid era of racism here in the United States (before the "Freedom Rides," which occurred not long after).
I admire Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood (especially), as rising young stars in Hollywood, for taking the chance to be in this type of picture at that time in history.
When Susan Kohner's character calls Pearl Bailey a "nigger," Robert Wagner whacks her one but good! And then he educates Miss spoiled brat and much misinformed Kohner, that Pearl is more decent than any of the white people in this movie! And more deserving of love and respect.
And folks, was he right. Bailey's character and performance are the most worthwhile in the film.
Yes, the basic story between Natalie Wood (poor country girl looking to move up in the world by passing Wagner's baby off as rich boy Hamilton's), Robert Wagner (poor confused misunderstood boy with talent for "race" music, but seemingly not much ambition to do anything with it), George Hamilton and Susan Kohner (spoiled RICH siblings taken in by Wood and Wagner -- but both hopelessly in love with the two)is schlock.
But the story between Wagner and Pearl Bailey (suicidal famous singer mourning the loss of her lover, who becomes charmed with Wagner and does her best to help him before she purposely succumbs to alcoholism) saves the day.
Also, Natalie Wood is simply outrageously gorgeous in this picture. And Robert Wagner and Hamilton are pretty easy on the yes as well. So, when the story gets to be too much, just enjoy the view!
I wish that Wood and Wagner had more screen time together in this film (and that they ended up together), but that's because I love RJ and Nat together as a couple under any circumstances (and believe me one has to love them unconditionally -- as their story lines and acting and accents don't feature either near the top of their talents).
Still, a brave story to undertake. Its bad/good and very interesting. I recommend it for having the guts to be ahead of its time.
 Soapy But Great Southern Melodrama
I remember seeing (and taping) this movie off of Superchannel one night. It was part of a "Natalie Wood Double Feature", and it was followed by "Love With The Proper Stranger", and, being a die-hard fan of her, I wasn't about to pass this one up.

This film seems, initially, as a soapy, over-the-top, melodramatic feature like many movies of the time. However, if you can overlook the flaws, you will find it very interesting and rewarding. The original attraction of this movie was, for me, the early on-screen teaming of real-life couple Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner. Wood was apparently worried as to whether Wagner could handle a dramatic role, and in retrospect she was justified in that concern. Wagner is more of a personality than an actor, and his performance as the sullen musician comes across as stiff. And Wood's southern accent can be distracting at times - her pronunciation of her lover's name, "Chaad" can get a bit grating! That aside, the most interesting aspects of the story happen later, after Sarah/Salome becomes pregnant by Chad, leaves her overbearing, zealous-nut father and her stifling, confining home life and meets up with Tony McDowall.

Her vulnerability and his love for her helped sustain my interest, as did the character of Catherine, Tony's spoiled, bored and man-hungry sister. Pearl Bailey also scores points for her portrayal of the down-on-her-luck, boozing blues singer Ruby Jones. In fact, Wagner's Chad has the best relationship and chemistry with her. When Chad reappears in Salome's life, of course that adds to the tension within the plot. After a while, though, I couldn't understand how Salome could still tolerate him (especially when he marries Catherine out of spite), and I don't get why Tony didn't suspect that the baby was not his (ever think of doing the math, Tone?) The character of Tony, for me, is one of the most sympathetic. His love and concern for Salome, his devotion to Catherine and to little Peter, makes him much more emotionally reachable.(Why didn't Salome realize that she loved him earlier?). Chad only speaks of Peter as if the boy is his property, and doesn't seem to care about his welfare, only revenge on Salome. Granted, she should have told him that she married someone else and that she was passing off the child as her husband's. You can almost feel Salome's longing for Chad, but I don't know how she could pine for him with Tony lying right next to her! When it comes right down to it, I couldn't tear myself away, even now, a few years later after I first saw it, it has some sentimental value. I was already a fan of Natalie, but I barely knew George Hamilton existed before - although was interested after! - and I developed a great respect not only for Wood but also Susan Kohner, who deserved a longer career. Fun little bit of trivia : Did you know that Susan and George had made a film together before this and that at one point, they were engaged? The music makes the moody, longing tone of the film - in fact, it's one of the highlights. And if you enjoyed it, see the 1959 version of "Imitation Of Life" starring Lana Turner, Sandra Dee, John Gavin and Susan Kohner. I recommend "All The Fine Young Cannibals" to adventurous viewers who are willing to take the risk. See if you can tear your eyes away!
Great Wagner & Woods Film 
Whenever I can view a film with Robert Wagner, Natalie Wood and see the super star Pearl Bailey, I know it will be a great film classic of 1960. Robert Wagner,(Chad Bixby),"Banning",'67, plays the son of a preacher who has some great mental hang ups and decides to become a blues trumpet player and never stops thinking about his father. Chad meets up with Pearl Bailey(Ruby Jones),"Porgy & Bess",'59, who takes him under her arm and gives him the moral strength he is deeply lacking. Susan Kohner,(Catherine McDowall),"The Gene Krupa Story",'59, gets involved with Chad which creates problems for Catherine. Natalie Wood,(Sarah 'Salome' Davis),"Dear Brat",'51, also has a strong attraction to Chad and there are many family problems among the couples. George Hamilton,(Tony McDowall),"Love At First Bite",'79, simply cannot figure out what the problem is with his wife Catherine and seems to give her plenty of time to solve her problems. There are great musical sounds through out the picture and Pearl Bailey out shines the entire cast.
All the Fine Young Cannibals... A true classic ! 
I saw this film some time ago and was blown of my feet. So strong, so intense. Love is not a game...or is it once it does turn against you and your lover ? The ultimate love story of the 60's where so many uncommitted lovers turned their commitments (and families) into chaos. In that perspective it's not at all unbelievable as one of the reviewers stated here, that the 'if I can't have you, I destroy you' line comes to life. You can ask yourself how much harm was done to each other by divorces and their children through all these divorces! Well all the cruelty of that battle was concentrated here on the two people destroying each other and their partners along.
Next thing which appealed to me very much, was that the great musician shown here, seems to be a role model for one of my sax-heroes and self-destructive musician in the No Wave scene of New York City: James Chance (aka as James White). The same anger and frustration jumped out of the vinyl as it did out of the screen here.
Only much later I found out that Robert Wagner and Nathalie Wood were married twice and had a dramatic life together with love, divorce and...the death of Wood. That gives this film even more dimensions than it already has. Fantastic film indeed. For always in my mind.

 One of my all time favorite movies

This is one of my favorite movies. I first saw it years ago while baby sitting as a teenager. The title is misleading and I'm sure many overlooked it. I have tried to find it to purchase but no one has it. Can anyone help me. There are 2 other movies I think have misleading titles but are "Top Tens" 10 North Frederick starring Gary Cooper and Ice Place with Robert Ryan, Martha Hyer, Carolyn Jones and Jim Backus. I can't find them either. My brother told me about this website and this was the first time I have gotten this close to either movie. I am glad to see others still having an appreciation for the classics. These movies along with All Susan Hayward movies make a rainy Sat. afternoon fantastic!
Great Movie!!! 
I saw this movie long time ago in the 60s when I was just a little girl. I loved it and I have been trying to find out how I can purchase it. This film had a lot of my favorite actors in it. Robert Wagner, Natalie Wood, George Hamilton, Pearl Bailey. I also loved Susan Kohen, I remember her from Imitation of life. I have check Blockbusters, Columbia House movies, TCM movies, Ebay, Amazon and just putting in searches on the internet with no luck.
Someone told me it is no longer in print, can anyone confirm that? I was told the Turner Classics was the place to go because they have a wide selection of vintage movies. So if anyone can help me locate this movie I will be eternally grateful.
All the Fine Young Cannibals is Fine 
This is a great movie that allows the viewers to see these stars when they were fresh, hungry, and young. The actors in this movie had to act and not rely on nudity or vulgarity to cover for a lack of talent.
The story line is life in its exposed state: Boy loves girl who loves someone or something else more and the girl that loves the aforementioned boy and girl are in a hopeless race to become the one that he and she loves.
Pearl Bailey's role is pivotal in getting Robert Wagner's character to release his pain through his horn and to love and care for someone other than himself and Salome (Natalie Wood).
For those who love old movies that are well scripted and excellently play out; I highly recommend this film.


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